Why does your blog have barely any posts, Rachael?

About a year ago (ish), I completely overhauled my website and moved it from one webhosting provider to another. In the process, I meticulously saved every blog post I’d ever written with the intention of reposting them here. A few of them I actually did put up, but most are languishing in the drafts folder. Some have seasonal themes, so I plan to send them back into the world in the next couple of months when ‘tis the season. A lot of them, though, just don’t resonate with me anymore. In the years since I first wrote them, my perspective and philosophy as a dietitian have grown and evolved. It’s time to write some new stuff, but unfortunately I lack the time and the motivation to do that right now. So for now, my sad little blog will sit here with a handful of posts, waiting for me to find inspiration to write.

Hopefully I’ll be back soon.

Could this be the year you make peace with food?

Five Things You Should NEVER Eat!